Priority Task Spawning in MarkLogic 5

Author: Dave Cassel  |  Category: Software Development

MarkLogic has long had the ability to spawn tasks, consisting of a module, a set of variables and some options. Those tasks go into the task queue and get worked off by the configured number of threads. A new feature in MarkLogic 5 gives a new option: higher priority tasks. Let’s take a look at […]

Range Indexes and Empty Elements

Author: Dave Cassel  |  Category: Software Development

I’ve started a couple posts lately, only to find them more complex than expected. So to get myself back on the board, tonight you get a pretty simple one, based on an error one of my colleagues encountered recently. Suppose we have an int range element index set up on <count/> in our MarkLogic database. xdmp:document-insert( […]