Author: Dave Cassel | Category:
Software Development
Welcome to part 5 of my series on designing a RESTful chess service. Don’t worry — today’s is the last of the planning posts, then we get to some code. The last two steps laid out by the authors of RESTful Web Services are to consider the typical course of events and to consider error conditions. […]
Author: Dave Cassel | Category:
Software Development
This is part four in a series of posts walking through the process of building a RESTful chess service. I’ve been slacking off a bit in the pace of my posts, but hopefully that will pick back up — I have a bit more travel coming up, and evenings spent hanging out in hotel rooms […]
Author: Dave Cassel | Category:
Software Development
In part 2 of this series, I defined the data set and resources for my service. I’ve been following the procedure listed in RESTful Web Services for how to lay out the service. Here are those steps again: Figure out the data set Split the data set into resources For each resource: Name the resources […]
Author: Dave Cassel | Category:
Software Development
In part 1 of this series, I laid out my goals for a RESTful chess service, based on the RESTful Web Services book from the O’Reilly series. The authors present a procedure for designing services, the first two of which are: Figure out the data set Split the data set into resources The use cases […]
Author: Dave Cassel | Category:
Software Development
I recently got a copy of RESTful Web Services, a book in the O’Reilly series that I read some time ago. I first read it when I was introduced to REST as an architectural style. It helped me get my head around a number of the concepts. I decided that I want to refresh my […]