Calling a function on the power set of a sequence

Author: Dave Cassel  |  Category: Software Development

[Update: This post was originally labelled “Calling a function on all permutations of a sequence”. John Boyer was kind enough to point out that the function works for power sets rather than permutations, so I’ve updated this post accordingly. Thanks, John!] A project I’m working on required me to call a function on the power […]

Do it yourself

Author: Dave Cassel  |  Category: Entrepreneurism

I have a little story to tell that I hope will inspire someone to pursue an entrepreneurial goal. I came across a notebook recently. I don’t remember exactly when I used this one, but it was somewhere around ’97 or ’98. Back then, I was playing chess on a web site called I loved […]

A RESTful chess service: part 5

Author: Dave Cassel  |  Category: Software Development

Welcome to part 5 of my series on designing a RESTful chess service. Don’t worry — today’s is the last of the planning posts, then we get to some code. The last two steps laid out by the authors of RESTful Web Services are to consider the typical course of events and to consider error conditions. […]